Monday, March 29, 2010

contents in coconut milk

We already know about cow milk, goat milk, and also soy bean milk. How about coconut milk? Coconut milk currently is popular among the people because of its benefits for health. Like many people have known, coconut is famous with its special quality to protect and recover the body from any internal and external diseases, and this coconut milk also has the same function to build the immunity in our body.
Coconut milk, which is in Malay known as santan, is the milk which is extracted from the meat of mature coconut. Like the other ordinary milks, it has the white color and its taste is attributed from the high oil content and sugar inside it. It has become the common consumption in tropical country, especially in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, Singapore, Philippine, Indonesia, and India.
Based on its function for the health, consuming coconut milk has many benefits, They are :
1. It contains variety of useful vitamins and minerals for the body, such as vitamin A and E, and also calcium, potassium, and chloride.
2. It can reduce the high blood pressure and sugar blood, and because it is rich of calcium, it can strengthen bones and teeth.
3. It can be the alternative for those allergic with lactose and animal milk.
4. It contains lauric acid which has anti-bacterial, anti-microbe, anti-fungi, and anti-virus. So, it can increase the body immunity toward many pathogens and diseases. What is more, lauric acid is also useful for heart’s health. It can help to maintain the artery to keep clean and healthy. Even though it contains saturated fatty acid, the existence of lauric acid and other acids inside it will make it perfect to against many heart diseases such as atheroschlerosis.
5. It contains anti-oxidant which is useful to avoid the free radical that can today might be a good idea.

cause cancer in our body.
6. And it also very useful for digestion. Because it contains anti-bacteria that can kill any pathogens inside our body.
Based on the nutrients inside it, a cup of coconut milk contains calories as much as 552 kcal, total fats 57.2 g, cholesterol 0 g, potassium 36 mg, total carbohydrates 13.3 g, protein 5.5 g, vitamin C 11%, calcium 4%, and iron 22%.
Now we have known, how much contributed that the coconut milk can give to our health. So, if you want to start the healthy life, consuming coconut milk from

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